Einsight Blog
The Scott Public Relations Healthcare, Insurance and Technology Public Relations Blog
PRBI Barometer: 2023 Brings Higher Expectations of Ethical PR
Los Angeles / July, 2023: The impact of the dramatic events of 2022 – Russia’s attack on Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis and global economic uncertainty – continues to reverberate worldwide. The recent layoffs [...]
The Larger Use of AI in Media Outlets
The use of AI in media is growing, and it is changing the way content is created and distributed. However, there is still a lot of debate on how to effectively use this technology in [...]
Truth vs. Disinformation: How to Win
Consider this a strident, blunt, and perhaps painful call to action to the people who can help save this country: The Communicators. It’s not policy, photogenic faces, or experience that will inspire voters to do [...]
How Wimpy Communications Kills Good Policy
With Obamacare, Donald Trump succeeded where everyone else failed. He made this law popular. His attempts to dismantle the program, and deprive millions of Americans of their health care, finally woke people up to the [...]
Some Thoughts on Trust
Who can you trust today? And just as importantly, who do your constituents and customers trust? According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, it isn’t government, media or even nonprofits. Barely more than half of respondents trust [...]
A New Take on Free Speech, Part 2
Are Confederate statues anti-American? Citing them as symbols of racism and white supremacy, figures of Confederate heroes are coming down around the South. The Pentagon effectively banned the Confederate flag. Some consider these actions important [...]