Social media has changed the way we communicate. This interactive platform, which allows for instant communication, connects millions of people around the world. In his book, “Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business,” Erik Qualman says that social media has changed the way consumers and target audiences interact in their daily lives. Social media gave rise to a socio-economic shift and has changed the way organizations do business to create a new economy.

In today’s world, the influence and growth of new media are undeniable. According to Facebook, there are more than 750 million active members on its site and its users spend over 700 billion minutes on the site per month. The economy is driven by people who have defined a new way to communicate. Your brand can be empowered by the new media or buried by it.

Social media puts a twist on word of mouth and forces consumers to change their online behavior. Qualman writes that three shifts have been created as a result of the rise of social media:

Preventative behavior — adjustment in personal and corporate behavior.
Braggadocian behavior — contributions to your individual brand.
Socialommerce — a term that emcompasses the transactional, search and marketing components.

In this age of new media, the world of Socialnomics is an interactive one where content and conversation drive awareness. How will your business harness opinions?

If you’re in healthcare, insurance, technology or other professional services industries, and need help with a new media program, contact Scott Public Relations.

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