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So far developer has created 434 blog entries.

Video and Live Streaming Insights for Healthcare Organizations

Live streaming has officially become mainstream. If you don’t believe it, check out these numbers: the two largest platforms, Meerkat and Periscope, have a combined 12 million users; Periscope has been valued at one billion dollars and was considered a bigger opportunity than Twitter, its owner. Hopping on that live streaming video bandwagon is a [...]

Video and Live Streaming Insights for Healthcare Organizations2020-03-21T10:04:20-07:00

3 Ways PR and Marketing Can Help Companies Expand Globally

Earlier this year, the market research and consultancy research2guidance, which specializes in mobile business, put out a report on the state of mHealth in Europe (requires sign up). Their findings concluded that Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom have the best conditions for mHealth companies to be successful in the EU. They took [...]

3 Ways PR and Marketing Can Help Companies Expand Globally2018-08-22T16:23:28-07:00

Has the Media Found Its New Business Model?

Bloomberg, the international news agency, recently fired dozens of journalists. The layoff of reporters/journalists is nothing new, but the direction the company is pointing is probably one that’s about to become the new “norm” for most publications, as explains Julia Greenberg in a recent Wired article, “Bloomberg’s Future is the Future of News for Everyone.” [...]

Has the Media Found Its New Business Model?2018-12-16T20:24:11-08:00

Better Together: A Groundbreaking Initiative to Transform Healthcare

With millions of Americans now receiving health insurance coverage through healthcare reform legislation, what’s next? Healthcare delivery reform, that’s what. Our client, the Council of Accountable Physician Practices, is an influential leader in the next wave of transformation of our healthcare system. CAPP, an affiliate of the American Medical Group Foundation, is a distinguished group [...]

Better Together: A Groundbreaking Initiative to Transform Healthcare2021-08-06T13:12:36-07:00

Amplifying B2B Events Through Digital Marketing

Even though content marketing has become a major part of companies’ communications strategies, event presence still plays a big role in building awareness and attracting leads, especially in a B2B environment. Staking a claim at trade shows and events is not a cheap or trivial task, however. But if done right, it can produce positive [...]

Amplifying B2B Events Through Digital Marketing2018-09-26T22:40:11-07:00

Tips and Insights from Hubspot’s Inbound 2015

If you are trying to keep up with content marketing’s exponential growth, you have probably heard of HubSpot. For those who have not seen their product in action, HubSpot is a marketing and sales software provider that aims to make public relations and marketing more efficient and successful. The company is known for posting tips [...]

Tips and Insights from Hubspot’s Inbound 20152019-11-22T19:37:44-08:00

Healthcare Marketing Insights: Managing Online Reviews

With no shortage of online healthcare review sites, managing your company’s online reputation can be challenging. Online reviews can have a significant impact on healthcare organizations’ success or failure. According to PR Daily’s “6 tips for monitoring and managing online reviews,” seventy percent of people reading online reviews find them trustworthy. One way to manage [...]

Healthcare Marketing Insights: Managing Online Reviews2019-01-14T15:45:41-08:00

B2B Social Media Advertising Insights

It is no secret that the World Wide Web and social media have changed the way businesses work. It is also a fact that the internet has especially affected B2B companies. The increasing presence of organizations on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, G+ and Pinterest is an avenue of opportunity. However, even though the ultimate [...]

B2B Social Media Advertising Insights2018-09-26T22:43:11-07:00

Telemedicine: Removing Boundaries for Physicians and Patients

Although telemedicine is not a new concept, emerging technologies have helped change the way it is used. Based on the HealthLeaders article written by Scott Mace, “The Reality of Virtual Care,” virtual care is poised to change the healthcare system dramatically. Inefficiencies and the need for balancing workload and workflow, while caring for patients across [...]

Telemedicine: Removing Boundaries for Physicians and Patients2019-09-01T02:22:58-07:00

Tips on Successfully Leveraging Facebook Groups in Healthcare

Prior to May 2009, companies on Facebook used either personal pages or group pages to reach out to an audience.  With the introduction of Facebook’s business pages, companies have found a unique and flexible way to share their products, services and insights with audiences.  Now, Facebook Groups can be used in conjunction with company pages [...]

Tips on Successfully Leveraging Facebook Groups in Healthcare2020-07-17T18:15:14-07:00
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