Web 2.0 and the dominance of the Internet as the primary communication channel today is creating a significant opportunity for companies to build brands, attract and convert prospects, and drive the public relations “buzz” that delivers share of mind and share of market.

It’s easy to get buried in an avalanche of new terms – blog, podcast, vodcast, twitter – and turn off the brain, mentally delegating the task of understanding these phenomena to someone else. That’s why Scott Public Relations has produced this short white paper – to simplify what “new media” is by comparing it to current communication channels, and to focus on the practical: how to use it for marketing success.

SPR is offering this easy-to-understand free guide explaining how companies can expand their current PR programs to capitalize on the reach and impact of these new tools. For a complimentary copy, or for more information, contact Joy Scott at 818.610.0270, or via email at [email protected].