George Halvorson of Kaiser Permanente speaks about why Kaiser, the nation’s largest managed-care company, is successful, and why other health systems should emulate its model

Results-oriented healthcare is definitely a hot topic here at Scott Public Relations because so many of our clients are in the healthcare industry. We found this interview of George Halvorson particularly insightful as he shares how during his tenure at Kaiser Permanente, he helped to transform the medical culture there, with the top priorities being [...]

George Halvorson of Kaiser Permanente speaks about why Kaiser, the nation’s largest managed-care company, is successful, and why other health systems should emulate its model2018-12-16T20:21:14-08:00

Failure to Meet PR Goals and Expectations: Why It Happens; What Can Prevent It

by Lucy Siegel, Bridge Global Strategies This month marks the eighth anniversary of my firm, Bridge Global Strategies. Anniversaries are a good time to reflect on what’s gone well, what hasn’t, and why. We’ve had some tremendous successes for clients, but also a few instances where we haven’t achieved what we had hoped. Failure to [...]

Failure to Meet PR Goals and Expectations: Why It Happens; What Can Prevent It2018-11-08T21:07:56-08:00

Advance Approval of Interview Quotes: a Self-Destructive Media Policy

Lucy Siegel, Bridge Global Strategies We’ve all been there: despite training and practice, the CEO blows a good media coverage opportunity by saying the wrong thing to a reporter, and neglects to say what should have been said to communicate the company’s key messages. We all want to see the best possible media portrayal of [...]

Advance Approval of Interview Quotes: a Self-Destructive Media Policy2018-08-22T16:30:52-07:00

Four Lessons in Social Media from the Olympics

Here at Scott Public Relations we strongly believe that knowledge is power, and social media is quickly becoming the prominent method of sharing that knowledge with others so today we’re sharing a blog post from fellow PRBI member Bridge Global Strategies, based in New York City. Four Lessons in Social Media from the Olympics Bridge [...]

Four Lessons in Social Media from the Olympics2018-12-16T20:15:10-08:00

Five Key Lessons We Can Learn from Mike Wallace

Our fellow PRBI member Lucy Siegel had the opportunity to meet Mike Wallace in the spring of 2005. We’re sharing her story below... In May, 2005, I had the pleasure of sitting in the audience when Mike Wallace took the podium as keynote speaker at the annual “Big Apple” awards celebration of the Public Relations [...]

Five Key Lessons We Can Learn from Mike Wallace2018-11-08T21:09:08-08:00

Is Facebook Killing Your Brand Personality?

How is your brand identity holding up in the social media world? Social media guru and The Business Insider contributor Rick Gardinier thinks the proliferation of various social media and promotional platforms—from Facebook to Twitter to YouTube, and more—are making it very hard for brands to stand out from each other. Recently, he published some [...]

Is Facebook Killing Your Brand Personality?2019-03-18T14:22:41-07:00

Ad and PR Agencies Tackle Social Media Differently

In this blog by Lucy Siegel of Bridge Global Strategies, she explains the different approaches to social media taken by Advertising/Marketing vs. Public Relations. The public relations agency industry in the U.S. has fared better than most marketing/communications disciplines in this recession for two reasons: the surge in importance of social media, and a much [...]

Ad and PR Agencies Tackle Social Media Differently2018-08-22T16:30:17-07:00

Word-of-mom marketing

Their marketplace is worth an estimated $1.6 trillion dollars. There are 35.3 million of them. And “word-of-mom” is the most powerful marketing tool to reach them. They are mothers with children under 18 years of age. And who do they listen to? Each other. Social media and the phenomenon of moms influencing moms have given [...]

Word-of-mom marketing2020-03-21T10:33:19-07:00

Company spokespeople: not just a source of company news

Many companies almost exclusively use their spokespeople to promote the company and its news. While this is definitely one important way to get the word out, especially to specific target audiences, these companies are missing an opportunity to broaden their scope of influence and, ultimately, their sales. By using their spokespeople as industry experts—who understand [...]

Company spokespeople: not just a source of company news2018-10-12T16:17:36-07:00

How Did THEY Get in That Article? Or: Tips on Becoming That Quotable Expert

Why are some CEO’s sought after by the media for interviews and opinions, and not others? We pondered this question after participating in a recent webinar by Bulldog Reporter, “Placing Spokespeople in the Press: How to Turn Your Expert or CEO into a Media Darling,” comparing the advice presented in this program with our own [...]

How Did THEY Get in That Article? Or: Tips on Becoming That Quotable Expert2019-02-14T09:57:30-08:00
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