Email marketing is a widely used tactic to advertise and sell products. But just how effective is sending sales emails? Some facts from a Salesforce slide deck, “25 Mind Blowing Email Marketing Stats” may shed some light on the practicality of using this technique.

  • Surveys show that forty-four percent of people who received marketing emails made a purchase in the past year because of that email.
  • Thirty-three percent of recipients opened their mailings based on just the subject.
  • Of those, subject lines shorter than ten characters had a fifty-eight percent open rate, and personalized subjects were 22.2% more likely to be opened.
  • Including keywords like “revenue” and “profit” led to the best performance for subject lines, and sixty-four percent of people responded that they opened emails because of the subject.
  • In addition to subject lines, tools like social sharing buttons gave marketing emails 158% percent higher click-through rates.

These stats prove that, yes, email marketing can be a practical tool for B2B business to use. The fact is, seventy-two percent of B2B buyers are likely to share content through emails.  Forty percent of B2B marketers rated leads that these emails generated as being high quality.  And for every one dollar they spent, there were $44.25 in average returns on the investment in email marketing.

If handled correctly, using emails to promote and sell can yield a great return for a company and pay off handsomely.

How do you feel about email marketing, has it proved effective for your company in generating leads and sales? Let us know by commenting below!

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