
Of course we measure the positive results of our content programs. But it’s also important to know when your work is counterproductive, when it is alienating your target audience. To find out if your audience dislikes your activity, consider these recommendations in “7 signs your audience hates your engagement strategy.”

  1. Any brand, no matter how big, can have a post on social media go unnoticed. But if a more direct approach to connect is ignored, then there’s a problem. A survey with no responses indicates an approach that isn’t connecting with the audience.
  2. Online platforms are becoming more integrated, but they still maintain their own distinct audiences, and not everything works on all channels. Engagement can succeed in one place, while dipping or stagnating in another. Your overall strategy isn’t bad, but changes may be necessary to grab the attention of that specific audience.
  3. Marketing and PR are flooded with more numbers than ever before, but not all metrics are equal. “Likes” are less meaningful when measured up against more notable engagement like comments or replies. A number of “likes” but nothing else may be a sign of superficial engagement at best.
  4. Expanding a brand and growing an audience are key goals for any outreach plan. It is important, however, to make sure that existing followers do not feel neglected by an apparent single-minded focus on new members. Content geared too greatly towards new customers can result in fewer established connections staying engaged.
  5. Customers possess sharper awareness than some marketers may realize. They can notice when they are getting targeted advertising. If you collect customer data on demographics and purchasing history, make sure to use that data to inform your content as well as your marketing to avoid alienating your base.
  6. Customer onboarding tools, including webinars and online trainings, can be effective ways to improve the success of customers who use your products and build a more loyal customer base. If these tools don’t produce those results, a change in your outreach strategy may be needed to secure your audience.
  7. Some metrics may be more valuable than others, but even likes and views are important for tracking general engagement. If you find that even the simple metrics are dropping, conduct an audit of your content to determine where an investment is needed to improve your content marketing bottom-line.

If you’re in healthcare, insurance, technology or other professional services industries, and need help with a PR, marketing or social media campaign, contact Scott Public Relations.

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